home is where the heart is


Front Porch Makeover

Limewash DIY

I’ve never been a fan of red brick and it was always the plan to either stain it a concrete gray color or update it with white limewash. After almost 5 years of staring at this ugly brick, I finally decided it was time to make the move. Insert DIY limewash here:

The process is relatively easy and very cost effective which is nice considering it’s such a large impact + change!

I used the ROMABIO Flat Limewash Avorio White Interior/Exterior Paint to achieve this rustic look. Adding a link here: Limewash Paint

Limewash is different than paint, it is way more durable and does not chip off since it leaches into the brick, creating this one of a kind vibe. It’s important to trust the process here, it looks much darker when you are applying it but once it dries (3-4hrs) the color really comes through. The best part? It’s reversible up to 5 days with some water (hose/spray bottle or powerwasher ect)

Only took about an hour and a half to paint too, easy DIY when the baby is napping!


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RenovateMegan McAuley